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Roast Chicken with Creme Fraiche and Herbs

The weekly staple in South African kitchens, the good old roast chicken. Try this simple yet elegant take on roast chicken covered with creme fraiche and herbs

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Roast Chicken with Creme Fraiche and Herbs

Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 20 minutes
Servings: 4


  • 300 ml creme fraiche have extra on standby
  • 1 Whole Chicken roughly 1.3kg
  • 4 Garlic cloves thinly sliced
  • a few springs of fresh thyme
  • 1 shallot thinly sliced – or red onion
  • bunch of fresh parsley leaves removed abd chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C
  • In a bowl, mix the creme fraiche, garlic, shallot, thyme and parsley.
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • Spoon half the mixture inside the cavity of the chicken and truss the chicken securely with kicthen twine.
  • Rub the remaining mixture all over the chicken, be sure to rub under the wings and thighs
  • Season lightly with salt and place in a roasting pan
  • Roast the chicken, roughly 1 hour – but check if the juices run clear.
  • Be sure to check halfway through and add a spoon or two of water if the bottom is drying out
  • Once cooked, leave to rest for 15 minutes before serving


I mention having some extra creme fraiche on standby, but I just cannot help myself and need to have a spoonful… the joys and the privileges of being the house chef




  • Andre Havenga

    HI please advise what is CREME FRAICHE and where can I get it ?
    Sorry but I am just a old and ignorant man who have not heard of the above

    • Bay Meat MarketAuthor

      Good day! Creme Fraiche is basically soured cream and can be found at Woolworths or any good deli’s. Sour Cream is a good substitute as it is very similar, this is widely available at most supermarkets.


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