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What is the best way to defrost my Steak?

Freezing Steak at home is a great way to keep your own little diverse stock of steaks to call on when needed. Something that is often overlooked though, is how to thaw your steak correctly, to ensure it does not affect the taste but importantly no health compromises. This article we focus on the best way to defrost steak

The safest way

The trick to defrosting steak – and all meats really, is to keep it within safe temperatures as it thaws, so bacteria does not have a chance to grow. Try and avoid temperatures over 5C, this is an invitation for bacteria and you risk food poisoning.

By far the best, safest and easiest way to defrost steak is, unfortunately, also the slowest method – simply leave it in the fridge overnight. This will keep the steak at a temperature that prevents harmful bacteria from gaining a foothold, and it won’t take away from the taste and texture of the steak at all.

Be sure to use a plate to catch any liquid. While defrosting steak in the fridge is the most effective method, it obviously requires some planning on your part. Set a reminder on your phone at the start of the week to take that steak you’ve been eyeing off out of the freezer. To be honest, I hardly need a reminder, I start thinking about my steak dinner the day before!

Lastly, don’t forget to take your steak out from the fridge for about an hour before cooking. You need to let it come to room temperature before cooking or risk an unevenly cooked steak. I find in summer months, 30 minutes before is enough whereas the colder winter months I take it out for sometimes up to an hour.

The best way to defrost steak, fast

Ok, you forgot to place your steak in the fridge. There is a way to do it faster but it means just a little more work from you.

Fill a large bowl with cold water, place your steak in a resealable and leak-proof plastic bag, and place it on the bowl. Our steaks are already vacuum sealed – so no need to change the packaging. Bear in mind we do have a water shortage in the Cape, so its another reason to simply remember the night before to put your steaks in the fridge.

In summer especially, after 30 minutes check the temperature of the water, if it becomes tepid, warmish – change the water immediately. How long this method takes varies. The size and thickness of the steak will give you a good idea but generally, it could be an hour or maybe three.

If you can press the steak and it is not hard, on all sides, it is ready. Do not forget to get it to room temperature, which will be quicker than the fridge method – so you have one advantage there.

Try not to do

I dont suggest leaving meat out on the counter, especially during summer months. Winter you could maybe get away with it but we still do not suggest it. Its an invitation for bacteria to set in.

Microwave… so often we see steak end up being cooked by defrosting so we stay away from this completely! You work hard and spend good money on quality steak, this is one way to ruin it.

If you’re desperate to defrost in a hurry and you absolutely must use your microwave, make sure you check your meat frequently, and only leave it in long enough to thaw, rather than cook. Five to ten minutes should do the job, depending on the size of your steak.

As we live in a world of ‘now’ – it is easy to forget to defrost your steak. Planning meals ahead is something we all need to get back into – not just meat but organic and fresh produce. The best way to defrost your steak is to leave it overnight in the fridge.

Click here to access our range of truly free range, grass fed steaks



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