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This Springbok Neck stew or potjie is great for a slow, winter simmer or around the camp fire. It is versatile, and can be adjusted as needed.

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Springbok Neck Stew

Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time4 hours
Servings: 4


  • 1 kg Springbok Neck sliced
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Olive Oil
  • 1 Onion roughly chopped, not too thin
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 250 ml red wine cab sav works well
  • 4 potatoes cubed
  • 250 ml beef stock enough to cover the meat so be ready to adjust
  • 2 leeks sliced
  • 2 carotts sliced, not too thin
  • 4 cloves garlic rougly chopped
  • handful coriander


  • On a medium heat, add a little oil to frying pan
  • Once heat is ready add the onions, garlic and leeks and fry until just clear
  • Remove and keep one side
  • Now get your pot on the hob on medium heat and add a dash of oil
  • Add the Springbok, trying to ensure all the pieces are browned
  • Then add salt and pepper to taste, and the rosemary. Also add the onions, garlic and leeks in now.
  • After a minute or two, add the red wine and the stock. Add stock until the meat is just covered.
  • Close the lid and let it simmer for 2 1/2 hours. Medium to low heat.
  • Now add the carrots and potatoes and simmer for another hour maybe hour and a half
  • If you find the liquid is too little just add stock at anytime, not too much though. Venison should not dry out.
  • Chop the Coriander and spread over the dish when ready to serve


So versatile, you can add green peppers, red peppers, butternut, sweet potatoes, turnips, celery, ginger – take your pick and make it your own. The only principle really to follow is to keep the venison braising with enough liquid, on a low heat, and for a long time… time is probably the most important ingredient for these types of meals.



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