Lamb Shoulder is still the best roast lamb joint, in our humble opinion. The key is low and slow, and of course time. The result is the most tender roast you will ever have… no need to use...
The weekly staple in South African kitchens, the good old roast chicken. Try this simple yet elegant take on roast chicken covered with creme fraiche and herbs Click here to purchase Pastured, Non GMO, Beyond Free Range Chicken
The classic Leg of Lamb, but lets add a twist. Roast Leg of Lamb with Lavender. Yes, Lavender. The all time favourites are Rosemary, Thyme, Mint. Mix things up a bt with the fragrant Lavender. Click here to...
Roast beef Bolo is not well known. It is certainly no ribeye or fillet but is a very economical cut that can go a long way cooked correctly. There is very little fat which means you simply cannot...